The boy (8) came home with the baby – and the mum was shocked when he said: “I’m sorry, I had to do this”

Chapter 6: Surveillance in the Park

The dawn of a new day brought a fleeting sense of calm to the safe house, but the weight of the ongoing investigation still pressed heavily on Sarah’s mind. The previous night’s scare had left her even more determined to get to the bottom of the mystery and protect her family. She knew they needed to take bolder steps to find the woman and understand why she had entrusted Max with Lily.

Over breakfast, Sarah laid out her plan to Emily and Max. “We need to keep our eyes and ears open,” she said. “Max, you mentioned seeing the woman in the park. Emily, you and Lily should stay here, but Max and I will go back to the park and keep watch. Maybe we can find her or someone who knows her.”

Emily nodded, worry etched on her face. “Just be careful, Sarah. We don’t know what these people are capable of.”

“We will,” Sarah promised. She gave Emily a reassuring hug before turning to Max. “Ready to go, champ?”

Max nodded, his young face determined. “I want to help, Mom.”

Sarah smiled, proud of his bravery. “Let’s do this.”

The park was quiet when they arrived, the morning sun casting long shadows over the playground and walking paths. Sarah and Max found a bench with a clear view of the playground and settled in, their eyes scanning the area for any sign of the woman.

As they sat there, Sarah’s mind raced with thoughts of Victor, Mark Benson, and the mystery woman. Every passing stranger felt like a potential threat or clue. She knew they had to be vigilant and patient.

An hour passed with no sign of the woman. Max grew restless, shifting on the bench. “Mom, what if she doesn’t come back?”

Sarah squeezed his hand. “We’ll keep looking. She might come back here, or someone else might recognize her. We just have to be patient.”

Just as she finished speaking, Sarah noticed a woman walking towards the playground. She wore a big coat and a hat that obscured most of her face. Sarah’s heart raced. Could this be the woman they were looking for?

“Max, stay here,” Sarah whispered, her eyes never leaving the woman. “I’m going to get closer and see if it’s her.”

Max nodded, his eyes wide with excitement and fear. “Be careful, Mom.”

Sarah slowly approached the woman, trying to act casual. As she got closer, she noticed the woman was nervously glancing around, her posture tense. Sarah’s instincts told her this was the woman they were looking for.

“Excuse me,” Sarah said softly, not wanting to startle her. “I think we need to talk.”

The woman’s eyes widened in fear, and she turned to run, but Sarah quickly stepped in front of her. “Please, I’m not here to hurt you. I just want to help.”

The woman hesitated, her eyes darting around. “Who are you?” she asked, her voice trembling.

“My name is Sarah,” she said gently. “My son Max—he’s the one you gave the baby to. We’re trying to understand what’s going on and how we can help.”

Tears filled the woman’s eyes. “I didn’t know what else to do,” she whispered. “I was so scared. They were after me.”

“Who’s after you?” Sarah asked, her voice filled with concern.

“Victor,” the woman replied, her voice barely audible. “He’s dangerous. I had to get Lily away from him.”

Sarah’s heart ached for the woman. “I understand. We’re trying to keep you and Lily safe. Please, come with us. We can figure this out together.”

The woman hesitated, then nodded. “Okay. My name is Jessica.”

“Thank you, Jessica,” Sarah said, relief flooding through her. “Come with me. Max is waiting for us.”

They walked back to the bench where Max was waiting, his eyes wide with curiosity and relief. “Mom, is she the one?”

Sarah nodded. “Yes, Max. This is Jessica. She’s going to come with us and help us understand what’s going on.”

Max smiled, his tension easing. “Hi, Jessica.”

“Hi, Max,” Jessica said softly, her voice filled with gratitude. “Thank you for taking care of Lily.”

They walked back to the safe house, Sarah’s mind racing with questions. She knew they had to get Jessica’s full story and figure out their next steps. When they arrived, Emily’s eyes widened in surprise and relief.

“Is this…?” Emily began, but Sarah nodded.

“This is Jessica,” she said. “Let’s sit down and talk. We need to understand everything.”

They all sat down in the living room, the tension palpable. Jessica held Lily tightly, her eyes filled with fear and exhaustion. Sarah and Emily listened intently as she began to speak.

“I was in a bad situation,” Jessica began, her voice shaking. “Victor… he’s not just dangerous. He’s evil. He was involved in so many illegal activities—human trafficking, drugs, extortion. I got involved with him because I had nowhere else to go, but when I had Lily, I knew I had to get out.”

Tears streamed down Jessica’s face as she continued. “I tried to leave, but Victor found out. He came after me, threatened me. I didn’t know what to do, so I ran. I saw Max in the park and thought he looked kind. I thought he could keep Lily safe.”

“You did the right thing,” Sarah said gently. “We’ve been doing everything we can to protect Lily and find out more about Victor. The police are involved now. They raided one of his warehouses, but he wasn’t there.”

Jessica’s eyes widened in fear. “He must have known. He’s always one step ahead. He has so many connections.”

“We’ll keep looking,” Sarah assured her. “We have to stop him and keep you and Lily safe.”

As they discussed their next steps, Sarah’s phone buzzed with a message from Lisa: “I’ve got more information about the shelter where Jessica was seen. It’s run by a non-profit that helps women in crisis. Maybe they can help us.”

Sarah shared the message with the group. “We might have another lead. This shelter could be a place where we can find more information or even help Jessica and Lily.”

Jessica nodded, her expression hopeful. “They helped me once. Maybe they can help us again.”

“We’ll go there tomorrow,” Sarah decided. “But tonight, we need to stay safe and keep watch. Victor is still out there, and we can’t let our guard down.”

The rest of the day passed in a tense but hopeful silence. Sarah kept a close watch on Max and Emily, her protective instincts in overdrive. Jessica stayed close to Lily, her fear and anxiety evident. They all knew they had to stay strong and vigilant.

As night fell, the safe house was once again plunged into a tense silence. Sarah double-checked all the locks and windows, her nerves frayed. She sat in the living room, keeping a watchful eye on the street outside, while Emily, Max, and Jessica tried to get some rest.

The hours ticked by slowly, the darkness outside feeling oppressive. Just as Sarah was beginning to relax, her phone buzzed with a new message. It was from Officer Bennett: “We have an update. Victor’s men have been seen near the shelter. Stay alert.”

Sarah’s heart raced as she read the message. The danger was closer than ever. She quickly forwarded the message to Lisa and then called Officer Bennett directly.

“Bennett here,” the officer answered.

“Officer Bennett, it’s Sarah,” she said, her voice urgent. “We have to be careful. Victor’s men have been seen near the shelter.”

“We’re aware,” Bennett replied, her voice steady. “We’re sending more officers to the area. Stay inside and keep the doors locked. We’ll handle this.”

“Thank you, Officer Bennett,” Sarah said, her voice trembling. “Please be careful.”

After hanging up, Sarah shared the news with Emily and Jessica. “We have to stay vigilant. Victor’s men are near the shelter. The police are handling it, but we can’t take any chances.”

Emily nodded, her eyes filled with fear. “What do we do now?”

“We stay inside and keep watch,” Sarah said firmly. “We’ll get through this together.”

The night passed in a tense silence, each of them lost in their thoughts and fears. Sarah kept a close watch on the street outside, her protective instincts in overdrive. She knew they had to stay strong, to keep pushing forward despite the fear and uncertainty.

Just before dawn, Sarah heard a noise—a faint tapping at the window. Her heart leapt into her throat as she turned to look, her eyes straining to see through the shadows.

There it was again, the tapping sound, insistent and unnerving. Sarah’s mind raced. Was it just the wind, or was someone outside? She grabbed her phone and dialed Officer Bennett’s number, her hands trembling.

“Bennett here,” the officer answered.

“Officer Bennett, there’s someone outside,” Sarah whispered, her voice shaking. “I can hear tapping at the window.”

“Stay calm, Sarah. We’re on our way,” Bennett replied, her voice steady. “Don’t open the door or windows. We’ll be there soon.”

Sarah hung up, her heart pounding. She moved quietly to check on Max, Emily, and Jessica, making sure they were still asleep. The tapping continued, growing louder and more insistent. She returned to the living room, her eyes locked on the window.

The sound of sirens in the distance brought a sense of relief. Moments later, flashing lights illuminated the street as police cars arrived. Officers quickly surrounded the house, their flashlights cutting through the darkness.

Sarah watched as they searched the area, their movements quick and efficient. Finally, there was a knock at the door. Sarah opened it to find Officer Bennett standing there, her expression serious.

“We didn’t find anyone, but we’ll keep looking,” Bennett said. “It could have been nothing, but we can’t take any chances. We’ll stay here tonight, just to be safe.”

Sarah nodded, her gratitude overwhelming. “Thank you, Officer Bennett. I don’t know what we would do without you.”

Bennett smiled reassuringly. “We’re here to help. Try to get some rest.”

As the officers settled in to keep watch, Sarah returned to the living room, exhaustion washing over her. She knew the danger was far from over, but for now, they were safe.

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