The boy (8) came home with the baby – and the mum was shocked when he said: “I’m sorry, I had to do this”

Chapter 3: The Start of the Investigation

The morning sun streamed through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the safe house’s living room. Sarah had barely slept, her mind plagued with worry and uncertainty. The previous night’s events had left her on edge, the sight of the shadow outside their home haunting her thoughts. She couldn’t shake the feeling that they were being watched, that danger was closer than they realized.

Emily and Lily were still asleep on the couch, the baby nestled securely in her mother’s arms. Max had woken early and was quietly playing with his toys in the corner of the room, his young face etched with worry. Sarah watched him, her heart aching. Max was just a child, thrust into a situation far beyond his years. She knew she had to be strong for him, to protect him and provide the stability he needed.

But Sarah also knew she couldn’t rely solely on the police to solve this mystery. The fear and uncertainty gnawed at her, urging her to take action. She needed to find out more about the people who were after Emily and Lily, to uncover the truth behind this dangerous situation. Sarah decided that the first step was to talk to Max again, to see if he remembered any more details about the woman who had given him the baby.

“Max,” she called softly, beckoning him over. “Come here for a moment, sweetie.”

Max put down his toy and walked over to his mother, his eyes wide with curiosity. “What is it, Mom?”

Sarah pulled him onto her lap, wrapping her arms around him. “I need you to think really hard and try to remember everything you can about the woman who gave you the baby. Anything at all could help us.”

Max nodded, his brow furrowing in concentration. “She was wearing a big coat and a hat that covered most of her face. She had dark hair, I think. And she seemed really scared.”

Sarah nodded, encouraging him to continue. “Did she say anything else besides ‘take care of her’?”

Max thought for a moment. “She said something like, ‘they’re coming’ or ‘they’ll find us’. I don’t remember exactly.”

Sarah’s heart skipped a beat. “That’s really helpful, Max. You’re doing great. Did you see which direction she went after she gave you the baby?”

Max shook his head. “No, I was too scared. I just ran home as fast as I could.”

Sarah hugged him tightly, her heart swelling with pride and concern. “You did the right thing, Max. I’m so proud of you.”

As Sarah comforted her son, she couldn’t help but feel a growing sense of urgency. She needed to piece together the puzzle and find out who was after Emily and Lily. With Emily still sleeping and Max now occupied with his toys again, Sarah decided to start her investigation by reaching out to her network of friends and acquaintances.

Sarah pulled out her phone and sent a series of messages, explaining the situation and asking if anyone had seen anything unusual or knew anything about the woman in question. She also posted on social media, hoping someone might recognize the description and provide a lead.

As she waited for responses, Sarah decided to do some research online. She searched for information about Victor, the man Emily had mentioned. It was a long shot, but she hoped to find something—anything—that could help them understand the danger they were facing.

Hours passed, and Sarah’s search yielded little information. Victor was a common name, and without a last name or more details, it was like searching for a needle in a haystack. Frustration gnawed at her, but she knew she couldn’t give up.

Just as she was about to take a break, her phone buzzed with a new message. It was from an old friend, Lisa, who worked as a journalist. The message read: “Hey Sarah, I saw your post. I don’t know if this helps, but I remember covering a story about a man named Victor who was involved in some shady dealings. I’ll dig up my notes and get back to you.”

Sarah’s heart leapt. This could be the break she needed. She quickly replied, thanking Lisa and urging her to send any information as soon as possible. Feeling a renewed sense of hope, Sarah decided to check on Emily and Lily.

Emily was awake now, gently rocking Lily in her arms. She looked up as Sarah entered the room, her eyes filled with worry. “Did you find out anything?”

“Maybe,” Sarah said, sitting down beside her. “I have a friend who might know something about Victor. She’s looking into it for us.”

Emily nodded, her grip on Lily tightening. “I just want this nightmare to be over. I want Lily to be safe.”

Sarah reached out and took Emily’s hand, squeezing it reassuringly. “We’ll get through this. We’ll find a way to keep both of you safe.”

As they sat together, the front door opened, and Officer Bennett entered, her expression serious. “Good morning,” she greeted them. “How are you holding up?”

“We’re managing,” Sarah replied. “Have you found out anything new?”

Officer Bennett shook her head. “We’re still investigating. We have officers keeping an eye on the area, but so far, no signs of anyone suspicious. I wanted to check in and see if you remembered anything else that might help.”

Sarah relayed the information Max had shared that morning, as well as the message from her friend Lisa. Officer Bennett took notes, her expression thoughtful. “That’s a good lead. We’ll follow up on that. In the meantime, I suggest staying indoors and keeping a low profile. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call.”

“Thank you, Officer Bennett,” Sarah said. “We appreciate everything you’re doing for us.”

After Officer Bennett left, Sarah felt a mix of relief and frustration. They were making progress, but it still felt like they were far from solving the mystery. She decided to take a walk around the neighborhood, hoping the fresh air would clear her mind and provide some much-needed clarity.

As she walked, Sarah couldn’t shake the feeling that they were being watched. She glanced around, but the quiet suburban streets seemed peaceful and deserted. Still, the sense of unease lingered, a constant reminder of the danger lurking just out of sight.

When she returned to the safe house, Sarah found a new message from Lisa waiting on her phone. It was a lengthy email detailing what she had found. Sarah quickly scanned through it, her heart pounding as she absorbed the information.

Lisa had uncovered a series of articles about a man named Victor Reyes, a known criminal with ties to organized crime. He was involved in various illegal activities, including human trafficking, drug smuggling, and extortion. Victor was known for his ruthless tactics and his ability to evade law enforcement.

Sarah’s blood ran cold as she read the details. This was the man Emily was running from, the man who posed a threat to Lily’s safety. She knew they needed to get this information to the police immediately.

Sarah forwarded the email to Officer Bennett, including a brief summary of what she had found. Within minutes, her phone rang. It was Officer Bennett.

“Sarah, this is important information,” Bennett said, her voice urgent. “We’re going to step up our efforts to find Victor and ensure your safety. Please stay inside and keep your doors locked. We’ll have additional officers patrolling the area.”

“Thank you, Officer Bennett,” Sarah replied, her voice trembling. “Please, be careful.”

After hanging up, Sarah shared the news with Emily, who looked both relieved and terrified. “At least we know who we’re dealing with,” Emily said softly. “But he’s dangerous, Sarah. We have to be careful.”

“We will be,” Sarah promised. “We’ll stay vigilant and follow the police’s instructions. We’ll get through this.”

As the day wore on, the tension in the safe house was palpable. Every noise, every shadow, felt like a potential threat. Sarah kept a close watch on Max, Emily, and Lily, her protective instincts in overdrive. They spent the afternoon playing games and watching movies, trying to maintain a sense of normalcy despite the fear that lingered in the background.

That evening, as Sarah was preparing dinner, her phone buzzed with a new message. It was from Lisa again. “I found something else,” the message read. “Victor has a known associate in your area. His name is Mark Benson. He runs a small business as a front for his illegal activities. Be careful.”

Sarah’s heart sank. The danger was even closer than she had realized. She quickly forwarded the message to Officer Bennett and then called her directly.

“Bennett here,” the officer answered.

“Officer Bennett, it’s Sarah,” she said, her voice urgent. “I just got another message from my friend. Victor has an associate named Mark Benson, and he’s in our area. He runs a small business as a front.”

There was a brief silence on the other end before Bennett replied, “This is important. We’ll look into it right away. Please stay safe, Sarah. We’ll send more officers to patrol the neighborhood.”

After hanging up, Sarah felt a surge of determination. They were getting closer to the truth, and she was more resolved than ever to see this through. She knew it was dangerous, but she couldn’t rest until she knew Emily and Lily were safe.

As night fell, the safe house was once again plunged into a tense silence. Sarah double-checked all the locks and windows, her nerves frayed. She sat in the living room, keeping a watchful eye on the street outside, while Emily and Max slept.

The hours ticked by slowly, the darkness outside feeling oppressive. Just as Sarah was beginning to relax, she heard a noise—a faint tapping at the window. Her heart leapt into her throat as she turned to look, her eyes straining to see through the shadows.

There it was again, the tapping sound, insistent and unnerving. Sarah’s mind raced. Was it just the wind, or was someone outside? She grabbed her phone and dialed Officer Bennett’s number, her hands trembling.

“Bennett here,” the officer answered.

“Officer Bennett, there’s someone outside,” Sarah whispered, her voice shaking. “I can hear tapping at the window.”

“Stay calm, Sarah. We’re on our way,” Bennett replied, her voice steady. “Don’t open the door or windows. We’ll be there soon.”

Sarah hung up, her heart pounding. She moved quietly to check on Max and Emily, making sure they were still asleep. The tapping continued, growing louder and more insistent. She returned to the living room, her eyes locked on the window.

The sound of sirens in the distance brought a sense of relief. Moments later, flashing lights illuminated the street as police cars arrived. Officers quickly surrounded the house, their flashlights cutting through the darkness.

Sarah watched as they searched the area, their movements quick and efficient. Finally, there was a knock at the door. Sarah opened it to find Officer Bennett standing there, her expression serious.

“We didn’t find anyone, but we’ll keep looking,” Bennett said. “It could have been nothing, but we can’t take any chances. We’ll stay here tonight, just to be safe.”

Sarah nodded, her gratitude overwhelming. “Thank you, Officer Bennett. I don’t know what we would do without you.”

Bennett smiled reassuringly. “We’re here to help. Try to get some rest.”

As the officers settled in to keep watch, Sarah returned to the living room, exhaustion washing over her. She knew the danger was far from over, but for now, they were safe.

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